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Frøya - Key Location Sula

Provided by:

Stiftelsen Nordmøre Museum

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Welcome to the key location of Sula. Sula is actually Frøya’s oldest church site, and one of the municipality’s if not the country’s oldest fishing village. It is known as ‘the white village in the sea” and is one of the over 4000 islets and reefs which make up this island municipality. Sula lighthouse towers over the village almost majestically and from there there is a spectacular view in all directions. Join us on this tour where you will learn about life in the olden days on this beautiful Norwegian outpost.

Audio guides available in:
English (British), Norsk bokmål

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Points of interest


The Fishing Village

Look how beautiful Sula is. It attracts visitors all year round, many come to seek its special light. The sun in the daytime, the wind in their hair and the starry sky at night. This place inspires both artists and musicians. This idyllic location provides perfect conditions for inner peace and reflection. The rugged nature in combination with the cool summer evenings or biting winter storms, has brought many people closer to their inner selves here. As you wander around notice the small, cosy old houses with lush gardens. Along the sea’s edge you will see an impressive row of boat houses. They characterise the island, but also have national importance and interest due to their age, number and building style. Sula is actually Frøya’s oldest church site and is one of the municipality’s oldest if not the country’s oldest fishing village. This place is referred to as “the white village in the sea” and is one of the over 4000 islets and reefs that make up this island municipality. From Sula lighthouse which towers down majestically on top of the village, there is a spectacular view in all directions. The islands of Bogøya and Mausund lie close by. Whilst a little further north lie Gjæsingen, Sørburøy and Sauøya, with the fishing village of Halten furthest out. These are small island communities with rich coastal history and ancient church sites. Froan chapel on Sauøya is referred to as ‘the cathedral of the sea’, it is a fantastic building right down by the sea. Next time you visit the archipelago we would recommend visiting these places. Take care whilst you are wandering around here. Maybe you will come across the remains of the fabled sea Queen Guri Kunna’s work. It is said that Guri sailed between the islands on a rock known as the ‘shoemaker’s stone’ . Maybe she is out today? If you listen, maybe you can hear her call “Hello to all men who are out there! Hello here comes Guri on a rock”!

Audio guides available in:
English (British), Norsk bokmål