Bjørn Sundquist forside_rørende_historier


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Visit Hammerfest

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Hi and welcome to this short round tour around the streets of Hammerfest. My name is Bjørn Sundquist, and this is where I grew up, and it was here that I sat my high school exams in 1967. Today, you will hear about the town’s most important eras and events, both good and bad. You will get to hear about the history, the people and not least how the town has reinvented itself time after time, despite despots and politicians who have made hapless choices affecting the town. Today the town flourishes with an optimism which is built on hard work, courage, and a strong will. Join me, listen, see, and learn! And when you are finished you will be a little bit wiser, and if you want, you can follow some of the other routes on the App and learn more about the different places, houses, and sculptures. God tur :-)

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Norsk bokmål, English (British), Deutsch

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