
Siljustøl audioguide

Provided by:

Kode Kunstmuseer og Komponisthjem

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Would you like to join us for a tour around Siljustøl? We would love to show you some of the most beautiful places on the property. You will also hear the stories of those who lived here - sometimes told by themselves. And last but not least: You will hear the music composed by Sæverud. The tour around Siljustøl is made up of 10 stops. You can determine the order yourself. In the app, there is a map where you can see where the different stops are located. When you enter the red areas, the stories will automatically play. We ask you to stay on the gravel paths. The map will open when you press "start". With thanks to Sparebankstiftelsen SR-Bank for supporting the development of this project!

Audio guides available in:
Norsk barneversjon, Norsk bokmål, English (British)

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