Their routes

The Power Way
Experience Norway’s industrial capital in the north, steadily becoming greener and more sustainable in harmony with nature. In this forward-thinking community, you’ll gain an engaging insight into industry and technology through guided tours at Vitensenter Nordland, Helgeland Museum, Mo Industripark, and a dose of railway history with a delightful stay at Sure Hotel Ole Tobias, named after the founder of Nordlandsbanen.

The Stair Way
Explore the heart of Norway, Mosjøen, known for its rich culture, history, and culinary experiences. Immerse yourself in the historic Sjøgata, climb the world’s longest continuous sherpa stairs with opportunities for ziplining, and enjoy a memorable stay at the oldest hotel in Northern Norway!

The Sami Way
Experience Sami and North Norwegian cultural history and traditions at Storli Gård in Mo i Rana with Aernie. Stay in modern tent cabins by the river, enjoy high standards, and delve into the history, culture, and way of life of our ancestors. Learn the art of baking the Sami bread ‘laejpie’ and gain insight into their life in harmony with nature!

The Geopoetic Way
Opplev verden gjennom poesien i hver blomst og plante på The Geopoetic Way. Lønsdal inviterer deg med på en geopoetisk vandring fylt med mystikk, tragedie, geologi, litteratur og spektakulær natur. Nyt et komfortabelt opphold på det tradisjonelle norske trehotellet, Storjord Hotell – hvor naturen og kulturen møtes for å skape minnerike øyeblikk.